
vendredi 12 février 2016

Seychelles islands

This archipelago magician in the arms of the Indian Ocean plate form a tropical natural not messing around with the hands of the change, nor fingerprints development coastline extends thousands of miles in all directions, is famous for its beaches adorned with clinging to the palm green, and the pleasure of diving among the coral reefs are brightly colored, and Bgabadtha dense and rich forms rare wildlife, but this unique natural formation matched by humility in the country's economic growth. Probably heard some or a lot of us from the Seychelles Islands, but were not have enough courage to ask for its location and climate, and the stuff that is famous for, but the question here comes useful because it is worthwhile to learn and explore these islands innocent, which does not have rights to distort their nature, do not still expansive mood, pretty devoid of any tourist cosmetic plastic powders. 
Located south of the equator and is characterized by a tropical climate is warm all year round, making it a tourist attraction, especially for fans of recreation, swimming and diving in all seasons and is considered the islands Seychelles station regularly for migratory birds from the Arctic and Antarctica frigid. 
There Praslin in the most beautiful beaches in the Seychelles, and the most important beach «Forget about Lazio» which extends over large distances Bermalh soft white palm trees that Tsorh, in addition to the presence of the rocks that form the distinctive colors habitat for birds and unique and beautiful objects. 
It should be noted, that all restaurants in the Seychelles populated Creole cuisine is served on the way Buffet Open, where tourists can taste it as much as possible of the delicious local dishes. 
Returning to the island of Mahe in the Seychelles bigger, you can play a trip to the highest peak of Mount where, where there are sanctuaries for the cultivation of tea and stunning views of the capital and other islands inhabited and uninhabited.

maldives islands

If you like sunny skies, the Maldives is an ideal destination for holidays for you. Where it becomes sunny, starting from December to April During these months hesitate hundreds of tourists to Maldives, most of them Europeans. While most of the continents suffer from the frost, and during this period comes the monsoon dry with some showers and humidity decreases in the Maldives. As for the period from February to April resorts crowded with tourists, who come from all over the world. Testifies January increase in the numbers of tourists to a large extent due to the Christmas and New Year celebrations
Maldives beautiful white beaches, water hyacinth blue and friendly atmosphere has become a dream for those who want to spend their honeymoon and hope for lovers of diving and windsurfing enthusiasts. 
Maldives consists of 26 atolls and is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean. These islands are a series of ancient coral reefs that grew up around the sides of towering volcanoes that formed in prehistoric times. After the sinking of these massive structures in the ocean left behind coral islands of natural beauty which is incredible. He became flock by travelers who are looking for entertainment and fun and e
scape from the noise of modern life and the atmosphere in Male to quiet the southern islands reefs

Djerba Island of Dreams

Djerba is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. This island has been able over the history that fascinates its inhabitants and visitors Btksha wonderful and beautiful airspace. Owns the island beaches of fine sand, surrounded by towering palm trees. 

Has become the island of Djerba, thanks to its international airport one of the most important tourist destinations in the Mediterranean, to the wealth of luxury hotels and sophisticated tourism infrastructure. A few years ago, launched the island's many centers for treatment with sea water and offers excellent medical services, the more than 15 centers. 
By linking back to the Roman era the island of Djerba Zarzis. This city located in the heart of the palm forests are characterized by an important tourist station, a famous golden beaches. Without forgetting the excellent hospitality and the wealth of authentic architecture.