
lundi 30 mai 2016

Interesting information about the Canary Islands pictures

Canary Islands are a group of the most Spain Islands famous and popular in the world and is located off the northwest coast of the continent of Africa, and the Canary Islands consists of 17 island of the Spanish autonomous 7 Islands of them considered major islands and the rest are small islands, and called on the Canary Islands, a number of names, including the islands name happy.
The beaches of the Canary Islands and natural attractions attractive made it a major tourist destination for more than 12 million visitors a year, especially for the islands of Tenerife and Fuerteventura and Lanzarote and Gran Canaria, and the Canary Islands have a subtropical climate with long hot summer and warm winter mild and due to its high mountains in the Canary Islands is considered a prime location for astronomical observation .
معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو
Of the Canary Islands, an area of ​​about 7493 square kilometers and the total population in 2011 of about 2.117 million people, almost the official language of the Canary Islands are Spanish language for the capital of the Canary Islands Vti_ark two cities as the capital of the Canary Islands are the Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas, Las Palmas is the largest city in the Canary Islands, the Canary Islands currency is the euro, and constitute a majority of the immigrant population from Spain, Portugal and Italy.
معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو
When thinking of the Canary Islands name shall be notified to mind those little yellow birds, but the island's name is derived from Latin and means dogs Island, says one of the myths about the subject that the natives of those islands they worshiped sea dogs without God and they were mummified those dogs and treatment of sacred animals when the Romans visited the island for the first time fired the Canary Islands name.

Canary Islands, specifically the island of Tenerife, the largest island in terms of population, the first tourist destination of the Canary Islands frequented by tourists there is the Mount Ted is the third largest volcano in the world, which is the largest mountain in Spain, and of the island of Tenerife area of ​​2034 square kilometers and a population of about 907 000 people
معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو
Famous for the Canary Islands with some type of wrestling and it is called the struggle of the Canary date back the sport to the year 1420, and has become one of the local folklore of the Canary Islands, and fun things also in the Canary Islands scuba diving trip to enjoy watching one of the largest turtles in the world of the sport, one of the endangered species extinction and the length of an adult male of those turtles nearly three feet at the age between 47-67 years
معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو

معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو
There is also in the Canary Islands 14 national park was announced Atnyen them a World Heritage site by UNESCO and months those national Ted garden parks in the island of Tenerife, which was established in 1954 and announced the site of the World Heritage Site in 2007 and is located on 18,990 hectares and is that garden the oldest and largest national parks in the Canary Islands is also one of the oldest national parks in Spain, it became the most Ted garden park to visit in Europe in 2011 and ranked second in the world ranking.
معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو

معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو

معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو

معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو

معلومات مثيرة عن جزر الكناري بالصور والفيديو
That's awesome =D

vendredi 12 février 2016

Seychelles islands

This archipelago magician in the arms of the Indian Ocean plate form a tropical natural not messing around with the hands of the change, nor fingerprints development coastline extends thousands of miles in all directions, is famous for its beaches adorned with clinging to the palm green, and the pleasure of diving among the coral reefs are brightly colored, and Bgabadtha dense and rich forms rare wildlife, but this unique natural formation matched by humility in the country's economic growth. Probably heard some or a lot of us from the Seychelles Islands, but were not have enough courage to ask for its location and climate, and the stuff that is famous for, but the question here comes useful because it is worthwhile to learn and explore these islands innocent, which does not have rights to distort their nature, do not still expansive mood, pretty devoid of any tourist cosmetic plastic powders. 
Located south of the equator and is characterized by a tropical climate is warm all year round, making it a tourist attraction, especially for fans of recreation, swimming and diving in all seasons and is considered the islands Seychelles station regularly for migratory birds from the Arctic and Antarctica frigid. 
There Praslin in the most beautiful beaches in the Seychelles, and the most important beach «Forget about Lazio» which extends over large distances Bermalh soft white palm trees that Tsorh, in addition to the presence of the rocks that form the distinctive colors habitat for birds and unique and beautiful objects. 
It should be noted, that all restaurants in the Seychelles populated Creole cuisine is served on the way Buffet Open, where tourists can taste it as much as possible of the delicious local dishes. 
Returning to the island of Mahe in the Seychelles bigger, you can play a trip to the highest peak of Mount where, where there are sanctuaries for the cultivation of tea and stunning views of the capital and other islands inhabited and uninhabited.

maldives islands

If you like sunny skies, the Maldives is an ideal destination for holidays for you. Where it becomes sunny, starting from December to April During these months hesitate hundreds of tourists to Maldives, most of them Europeans. While most of the continents suffer from the frost, and during this period comes the monsoon dry with some showers and humidity decreases in the Maldives. As for the period from February to April resorts crowded with tourists, who come from all over the world. Testifies January increase in the numbers of tourists to a large extent due to the Christmas and New Year celebrations
Maldives beautiful white beaches, water hyacinth blue and friendly atmosphere has become a dream for those who want to spend their honeymoon and hope for lovers of diving and windsurfing enthusiasts. 
Maldives consists of 26 atolls and is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean. These islands are a series of ancient coral reefs that grew up around the sides of towering volcanoes that formed in prehistoric times. After the sinking of these massive structures in the ocean left behind coral islands of natural beauty which is incredible. He became flock by travelers who are looking for entertainment and fun and e
scape from the noise of modern life and the atmosphere in Male to quiet the southern islands reefs

Djerba Island of Dreams

Djerba is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. This island has been able over the history that fascinates its inhabitants and visitors Btksha wonderful and beautiful airspace. Owns the island beaches of fine sand, surrounded by towering palm trees. 

Has become the island of Djerba, thanks to its international airport one of the most important tourist destinations in the Mediterranean, to the wealth of luxury hotels and sophisticated tourism infrastructure. A few years ago, launched the island's many centers for treatment with sea water and offers excellent medical services, the more than 15 centers. 
By linking back to the Roman era the island of Djerba Zarzis. This city located in the heart of the palm forests are characterized by an important tourist station, a famous golden beaches. Without forgetting the excellent hospitality and the wealth of authentic architecture.

dimanche 22 février 2015

10 most beautiful lakes on Earth

Is said to be the lucky countries that contain lakes, the fact that the lake enchanting site value is priceless. Since most countries of the world contain lakes, we wanted to make it easier on you the way, so we collected the most beautiful you. Before you the coolest 10 lakes in the world. Enjoy!

1. Lake Behua | Chile

This beautiful lake is located in the National Park "Torres del Vienna" in Chile, and is surrounded by mountains and slopes iced and scenic nature filled with local wildlife. Camping is a global site attracts explorers from all over the world.
Lake Behua | Chile

2. Taal Lake | Philippines

Is the largest lake located in the volcanic island in the world, the island of Luzon, the largest island of the Philippines. Rejoices in dark green and fresh waters, and contains a large amount of sulfur as a headquarters during the pouring torrents of volcanic eruptions many of the Taal Volcano located near them.
Taal Lake | Philippines

3. Lake Tianshi | border between China and North Korea

Called "Lake Paradise" because of its unique position within the volcanic crater located in Mount Paektu volcanic summit. Local legend tells of the existence of twenty monster inside waters.
Lake Tianshi | border between China and North Korea

4. Lake Kawaguchi | Japan

It is the second largest lake within five lakes of Fuji, overlooking the highest peak in Japan, the famous Mount Fuji summit. Cool climate in summer and in winter turns into an amazing sight glacial lake.
Lake Kawaguchi | Japan

5. Lake and Hua | China

This lake is considered one of the most unique lakes of its kind in the world they create many colors in fresh waters, so called "Lake five flowers." Filled with antique land of trees and this increases the charm. When considered sacred by Buddhists.
Lake and Hua | China

6. Lake Mountain Roabehu | New Zealand

This lake is located in the high mountain volcanic effective Roabehu, which filled the famous ski sites and dangerous Alski. Lake containing toxic metals, but this does not preclude the view it provides a breathtaking landscape and amazing. I have pictures near several clips from movies rings with the underlying This lake is located in the mountain of death in the land of Mordor.
Lake Mountain Roabehu | New Zealand

7. Lake Powell | between Utah and Arizona | United States

The second largest man-made lake in the sense that control the course of waters and Rkzha in one place, which is a large water tank, abound around tourism and recreation destination and two million tourists a year and staying in hotels scattered around and overlooking the picturesque beauty.

Lake Powell | between Utah and Arizona | United States

8. Lake Bratan | Indonesia

This lake is located in the north of the Indonesian island of Bali, surrounded by other lakes that are also volcanic. One of the advantages of this lake is that it is located on the famous Hindu temple Dvtha therefore frequented by many of the pilgrims and faithful.
Lake Bratan | Indonesia

9. Lake Baikal | Russia

This lake is the deepest freshwater lake in the world and up to a depth of 1642 meters and is also considered one of the oldest lakes in the globe where the composition is due to 25 million years old. Filled in most of the year glaciers, located in southern Siberia in Russia.
Lake Baikal | Russia

10. Peyto Lake | Canada

Her international fame because of being integrated into the beautiful lake and its dramatic views of the famous Rocky Mountains. In the winter and Kherik become icy, and in the spring and summer waters become amazing light blue and surrounded by green trees.
Peyto Lake | Canada

samedi 16 août 2014


Do you want to travel to the Netherlands? Is met by the Tourism Netherlands and seen the pictures of the most beautiful tourist sites in the Netherlands? You warmed up the next day and in the lines on a date with travel to the Netherlands and to identify together the most beautiful tourist sites in the Netherlands and tourism attractions in the Netherlands with pictures and how to eliminate Bhrlh beautiful and enjoyable times of Tourism in the Netherlands. 

Travel to the Netherlands 


1 channels Leiden:
Leiden is one of the most important landmarks Tourism Netherlands and can not travel to the Netherlands without a visit to Leiden its university and ancient channels famous where in Leiden two branches of the Rhine River so there in the streets of the city many of the channels, which makes it closer to the floating city and therefore of the most important and most beautiful tourist sites in the Netherlands .
Channels Leiden 




2  Keukenhof Gardens:
Prevents Tourism Netherlands scenery picturesque nature, but does not have a view of the most beautiful gardens Keukenhof, which is one of the largest flower gardens in the world and Osov miss a lot if you decide to travel to the Netherlands without a visit to this Alhaddaúb wonderful that characterize flowers tulips and daffodils and Rzhor spring in forms make them like a piece of Ganhhat has the more than seven million flower and are therefore one of the most tourist places to visit in the Netherlands.

Keukenhof Gardens




3 Rijksmuseum:
Rijksmuseum is one of the most important tourist sites in the Netherlands, one of the largest and oldest museums in the world and therefore has a real mark in the tourism Netherlands and has a large number of paintings from the Dutch Golden Age of the works of Vermeer and Rembrandt making it one of the most important landmarks that Aakhalo travel guide to Netherlands them.





4 City Hall Delft : 
This building heritage with a unique architectural style and famous Renaissance is one of the most important tourist sites in the Netherlands have been Nabah and designed by renowned architect Hendrick de Keyser has been changed dramatically and rebuilt in the 20th century while maintaining its shape and is therefore one of the main attractions to travel to Netherlands. 

  Delft City Hall 




5 Kinderdijk: 
Famous tourism Netherlands windmills and this is what there is in Kinderdijk, where more than 1,000 windmills of old that was built from 1740 and still maintain their shape so far as one of the most important tourist sites in the Netherlands and can not travel to the Netherlands without a visit and take pictures there. 



Islands Jalth

Islands Jalth 
Internationally protected area because it was the only region that contains the only species of seal in the Mediterranean 
Jalthha the largest island in the archipelago Jalth which consists of a total of six small islands located off the northern coast of Tunisia, just 81 km from the city of Bizerte, 64 kilometers east of the city of Tabarka
The area of ​​the island Jalth 752.3 hectares of the total 808 hectares is the area of ​​the archipelago, and has a length of 5.3 km and a width exceeding 3 km. The maximum height to the 391 meters above sea level. Despite the modest area of ​​steep slopes and highlands Topgraveh overwhelm the island, making travel difficult. 
* In terms of climate, she can Jalth Island in north-westerly winds known to sailors as "whey". The temperatures are moderate as the maximum rates of 26 ° in August / August and 12 ° in the January / January. As of rainfall, annually ranges between 500 and 600 mm, may rise more than that as it recorded during the year 1951-1952: 750 mm, may also fall to a total of 300 mm of rain that fell in 1954-1955. 
* Jalth Island nature reserve, where fishing is forbidden around in a circle and a half kilometers deep 
* Through what was discovered by the relics of the island seems to be Jalth been inhabited in antiquity. In the modern era has been inhabited since the nineteenth century Italians got later on French nationality has numbered about two hundred people had gathered in the village and one by about forty houses and a church and a school for them. But they journeyed from the island after the Tunisian government's decision to nationalize the territory of centenarians in 1964. 
* In the fifties of the twentieth century exiled leader Habib Bourguiba to the island where Jalth has spent two years, from 21 May / May 1952 to 20 May / May 1954, where he wrote many letters addressed to the Patriots, was published later. 
Since abandoned by the Italians towards France, the island remained almost empty Jalth of the population, and there are currently only a small number of agents. I thought the Tunisian state in the early nineties in the reconstruction, it has Regional Commissary for Agricultural Development Bizerte in 1992 to study, among other things proposed by the construction of the port for fishing on the island, and to the creation of peasant Pegrash vines and fruit trees and cultivation of grain, vegetables and silo aim of breeding cattle from goats and sheep, as well as reforestation and water conservation 
Jalatono Jalth Minor is one of the small islands near the Tunisian island of Jalth located off the northern coast and keep track of administrative mandate of Bizerte 

Kerkennah Islands Tunisian = the only place in the world and who has bought and sold the plots inside the sea

If owning a piece of land is normal, the Kerkennah Islands Tunisia is the only place in the world who is entitled where people having a "piece Sea" where sold sea and purchased at auction, and even can also lease space from the sea! Of and the reason is due to the method of fishing unique, and is called "fishing Bacharfih" It is a method dating back hundreds of years and be a trap placed the fish on a stretch of several hundred meters and where you are not entitled monument "honorary" only if you're a resident of the island and to be his "piece of the sea" .. . located division of space owned Ptsfiv palm fronds around, located catching fish after they have been lured in a small room is arranged within each section ... and this way bring the best quality of fish to catch it live as it is a way to preserve the environment of fish 
Wonders and oddity

Kerkennah Islands

vendredi 15 août 2014


Madagascar zone isolée complètement retirée lorsque l'Inde s'est séparée de l'Afrique, alors démissionné et est retourné à la quasi-seul de l'Afrique à s'installer dans la région équatoriale

Être complètement séparés et loin de la terre autour de ce qui a été caractérisée par la nature de cette île est unique, étant donné la nature unique de la diversité et étrange Nfrada de cette île pleinement à ses objets, fait contenant des objets sans pareil! 

80% des espèces qui vivent sur ​​l'île de Madagascar ne se trouvent pas dans n'importe quel autre endroit sur ​​le terrain, de sorte qu'ils sont considérés comme l'un des endroits les plus riches où vous pouvez voir vos yeux, avec toute la richesse de sa diversité et l'harmonie! 

Madagascar a un tout autre environnement, dans la partie ouest, on trouve des forêts denses, les arbres s'adaptent nature tout à fait unique, ces arbres énormes billes vivent dans un endroit sec, afin qu'ils travaillent pour un réservoir d'eau! 
En route vers l'est, nous allons trouver des montagnes verdoyantes, des forêts denses enrobés très, contenant créatures ne sont pas conscients de l'un d'eux 
Dans le nord, il ya des volcans enfouis, pourrait éclater à tout moment, il ya un tremblement de terre de 1000 secoue Madagascar chaque année!
Ces différents environnements a fait Madagascar brille en exclusivité des organismes uniques exclusifs,

zaghwan,tunisia : Tourism and recreation to enjoy the picturesque scenery

Because of its Zaghwan city of charm and beauty, it has always been a magnet for many visitors is the most important historical figures and Althagafahalven visited the city Zaghwan 
  The most important monuments 
Water Temple: See the Roman reverence for water and its importance in human life and a guide to the greatness of Romanian architecture has been built in the reign of Emperor Haderpanos and it has been delivering water to Tunisia by Hanaya. 
Water Temple, which was built between the years 117-138 m above the place stems from the eye rains, has also been building Hanaya reached by water 32 million liters per day to the city of Carthage, which has a length of 132 km and that was at the hands of the Roman Emperor Hadrian and then neglected by the Vandals and was restored and repaired at the hands of the Caliph al-Mustansir Hafsid in the 13th century and which linked Bmentzhat head cob and Janan Ariana and Zitouna Mosque globe. 
Roman Arch (bow door): It is the only door that remains now is to erect the entrance of the city and antique. 
Angle Sidi Ali Azouz: 
   Was the Crown Sidi Ali Azouz deadline male attended visits Prince Mohammed Pasha known and received the signals I think it goodness he built him next to his residence corner known Zaghouan and its headquarters was in the year 1680 and reflect the angle of Sidi Ali Azouz for a major boom in the arts of architecture and decoration, Fbabha is considered a masterpiece prized as consists of two major groups of precious wood


China has one of the oldest human civilizations. Chinese civilization and include many of the places and historical monuments and tourist attraction which attracts its tourists annually. We review your most important tourist places you can visit in China: 1) Great Wall of China Great Wall of China is a fence running along the northern and northwestern China (PRC), of Chnhuangtao on the Gulf of Bohai Sea (Yellow Sea) in the east to the area Gautay in Gansu province in the west. Wall was built last to the south, and extending from the Beijing area to Handen. The Wall of China from one of the wonders of the ancient world, which was built by hand without machines built in the fourth century BC, is the tallest building in history where stretches for about 6,400 kilometers it was in the old is a shield to protect the northern border of the enemy and invaders In the present day has become considered the most prominent tourist sites in China, annually visited by more than 130 million visitors from around the world


. 2) the Potala Palace Potala Palace is a group of well-known deficiencies in the shape of the castle is located on the summit of Mount Hongshan city of Lhasa in Tibet, China. Palace date back to more than 1,300 years, was founded in the seventh century. Rises Potala Palace more than 3,700 meters above sea level, the total area of ​​more than 3,700 square meters, a length from east to west, 360 meters, and width from south to north 270 meters, under the Potala Palace, the seat of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama, who fled to India, after the Chinese invasion in 1959 reflects the higher and more luxurious collection of buildings in the world, gathered between the palaces, castles and temples. 

3) Forbidden City Imperial Palace, or Forbidden City, historical monuments of the city of Beijing. Palace is located in the heart of the city, and to the north of the field, "Tiananmen. Classified by UNESCO within the World Cultural Heritage. Is one of the most important tourist destinations in China. Imperial Palace is located in downtown Beijing. It was the residence of the emperors of my family, "Ming" and "Qing". And renowned as the "Forbidden City". Construction took 14 years (1406-1420 AD). It is the largest collection of preserved ancient palaces in China. There in the Imperial Palace about a million pieces of rare artifacts. Today it is a museum that combines a comprehensive arts and ancient architectural monuments Empire and ancient arts of different. 

4) Victoria Harbour Victoria Harbour is a natural harbor situated between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula in Hong Kong. The depth of the water in the harbor and its strategic location on the South China Sea, was instrumental in the establishment of the British colony of Hong Kong and later developments as a trading hub. Throughout history, the harbor has seen numerous reclamation projects on both the beach, but still retains the role as a port for thousands of international vessels each year. Famous for its scenic harbor, where the port is one of the major tourist attractions in Hong Kong. Considering its location in the middle of the territory of the dense urban area, the harbor hosts the annual display of fireworks also includes parks and popular gathering places for tourists and residents.

 5) Terracotta Army "Army of Terracotta Warriors" This place is the city of Xian Xian (or Xian) northwest China, and time is the year 246 BC, when it was China's first emperor Qin Shin Huang building this army to be buried with him when he dies, and is then Ken that there are no two alike in this whole army, and this is what has already been brilliantly surprising. Where he participated nearly 700,000 people to build thousands of symmetry mud dissimilar Feature minutes to an amazing degree, and put it in the oven temperature up to a thousand degrees Celsius, and then left to cool and then colored and decorated! Has been built this shrine is making it difficult for anyone to discover, and did not already been discovered only by chance in 1974 when he was a group of local farmers digging a well, to discover this legendary army. Three pits have been discovered so far, and this includes drilling approximately Al8,000 fighter with administrators, musicians, and 130 B520 horse wagon, next to 150 HP for the Knights! Experts predict that there are many more pits containing terra-cotta soldiers were not yet discovered! UNESCO has added this shrine to the World Heritage List in 1987 for its value priceless. It is worth mentioning that the Chinese authorities to prevent photographing or enter this shrine, except for some small places that have been opened to the public

 6) River Lee Cruz River runs Cruz me from Guilin to Yangshuo, one of the most important rivers in China where it extends on both sides of the river spectacular landscapes with hills stunning and, in time, you can watch the self steep cliffs, caves and farming villages brilliant. The scene, which you'll see along the river makes it one of the main tourist attractions in China. 

7) Mount Huang is one of the major tourist destinations in China, Mount Huang or Yellow Mountain is a mountain range in the east of China. I can find in this region, animals and trees, including pine, as I am the tops of these mountains of granite forms a strange problem in the form of points. Currently this region where there are corridors and vehicles can be transported people to the peaks to enjoy the beautiful scenery. 

8) Leshan Giant Buddha Statue of Leshan Giant Buddha is located at the confluence of three rivers in the southern part of Sichuan province, near the city of Leshan in China. This statue built during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 m). The statue is the largest Buddha statue carved into the rock in the world. Included the area of ​​the giant statue World Heritage Site since 1990 by UNESCO. The statue was not damaged by the earthquake that hit China in 2008.

9) Mogao Caves Mogao Grottoes are ancient caves dating back to the pre-1600 years are located in Gansu Province, northwest China. Caves containing ancient mural paintings, and there are caves in more than 2,000 units of the colorful sculptures and 45 thousand square meters of frescoes in over 730 caves spread at 1600 meters along the plateau. And exposed many of the frescos of the types of deterioration is in precipitation and deflating and separation walls despite the fact that most of the caves have been closed and is still closed to the public. Become caves Site No. 440 in the World Heritage List of UNESCO in the year 198 7

10) is the Pudong district of Pudong in Shanghai on the east side of the Huangpu River, which emerged as a center of China's financial and commercial. Horizon towering skyscrapers rise of agricultural land was only just 20 years ago. Skyscrapers includes the symbolic Oriental Pearl Tower, the Shanghai World Financial Center, and the construction of the Jin Mao Tower and Shanghai, which should end in 2014 