
vendredi 15 août 2014


Tozeur is one of the states of the Republic of Tunisia 24. Located south of the country, the Tunisian state is bordered by Algeria to the west, the state of Gafsa in the north and tribal jurisdiction of both the East and South. Able number 
Archaeologists, historians and geologists from the beginning of 1930, the discovery of traces (pots and stone tools and weapons and machines made ​​from the bones) indicate the presence of human area south-west to what 
More than one hundred and fifty thousand years ago in the triangle that connects between the plug and Gafsa and Tozeur. 
Since four thousand years BC (the era of producers educators Maghreb): I discovered traces back to this era Kalkhozviac and fees engraved on the rocks especially near the Caves of Mount Melehi 
City Tamerza currently. 
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Two thousand years ago BC was leaked to the characteristics of the times Albornza ones that have a prejudice Almigalah culture characterized by the use of massive stones and Agheiran shops and a rocky graves 
Hewn into the rock. 
Managed many archaeologists and historians and geologists from the beginning of 1930, the discovery of traces (pots and stone tools and weapons and machines made ​​from the bones) indicate the presence of human area south 
West to more than one hundred and fifty thousand years ago in the triangle which scans plug, Gafsa, Tozeur. 
Since four thousand years BC (the era of producers educators Maghreb): I discovered traces back to this era Kalkhozviac and fees engraved on the rocks, especially the Caves of Mount Melehi
Tamerza currently near the city. 
Two thousand years ago BC was leaked to the characteristics of the times Albornza ones that have a prejudice Almigalah culture characterized by the use of massive stones and Agheiran rock shops and a 
Tombs hewn into the rock. 
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To be sure, the first inhabitants of palm leaves in the Stone Age are the Berbers and Advanced goes Osman Alkaaak that the Berber people of Qahtan emigrated from Yemen to Morocco in advanced ages and were 
The first two of its population. And the foundations of the Berber town of Tozeur a word barbaric and remained Berber-speaking people to the sixth century of migration. Then from the Berber tribes that inhabited the Gazette, we find: 
Zenata: and belongs to the sons and Lassen (branch brown Midol) and has lived in Tozeur. 
Secretive and sons oven, a tribe that is affiliated with his ass. 
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Sons and Lille and Erottn. 
As an accessory. 
Tejrt sons. 
And was composed of Berber dress Sophie and Prince of "Guendorh" and of "Kerk" Ihtdhunh in their legs, and this style of dress is still commonplace to this day. 
Also known Tozeur along Alahqubh several genera of them settled permanently and some of them stayed for a period and gone, and intermarried so that it became difficult to disperse tribal affiliations. And this applies to 
Alfbniqian and they are the sons of the nation Qahtanih Tanaan lived in Lebanon and then migrated to Africa and founded the great state with its capital after the "Utica" - "Carthage" and which was organized by trade caravans wild and taken 
Tozeur important center for trade desert by camel and made ​​it a gateway to the African coast for slaves Gap in particular. 
3 Tozeur Romania: 
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Romans actually occupied the city of Tozeur in 33 BC and named this region "New Africa" and then kept it under control and Burberry Mamoran Roman return given the "Albrooguensal" as initiated 
The construction of castles called "prejudice" and that became after the Arab conquest ligaments to tighten control on the contract desert. And has played Tozeur cultural role in this era, where several of them were undergoing basic ways linking 
Between the desert and Gafsa and Hydra, and was a commercial hub and economically significant trade dates begins and ends with the slave trade fetched from the African coast. As D Roman road linking plug and Tebessa PHP 
Direction Tlapt Vcbakh Vtmegzh Vetozr through a control by military garrisons Romania, and another route linking the oasis of Ghadames and Tozeur and ends Bsgelmash. 
In terms of architectural did not leave many traces of the Romans, but the most important: 
Bridging the valley's north urban soap. 
Well built square boxes in a large rock and is present in the space of urban collector Algosa country. 
Some of the columns that were raised now exist within the Oasis. 
Some homes Balhoadf and urban AQIM her angles and corners cut out of marble and funds Romania. 
Headless Bust is now before the local Museum of Tozeur. 
Abbas dragging several channels containing Dvaffha Roman stone boxes. 
Some coins and porcelain articles of alabaster found Ras Al-Ain area. 
Tozeur and know the name of the Romans during the reign of Tozoros "Thuzurus" 
Jerid saw during the Roman rule, like other provinces colony introduction of Christianity by Christians fleeing persecution Emperor "Nero" and have done what they can broadcast the teachings of this 
Religion and proselytizing by gentle persuasion in the middle barbaric Jerida centenarians and Romans but this debt remained confined to a few and because the Romanian community a few and mostly composed of soldiers who did not care much 
Christianity. The Berbers have maintained and Tnathm blended Baleruahah. 
Christians have been divided into coils Bajerid: Catholics, led by the philosopher Saint Ougustinos Maghreb and Donatos and Shiites led by Bishop Aceliks. 
Tozeur and has constructed many of the most important churches, "the Church of Tozeur" and has built on the ruins of Arab mosque urban palace's north. 
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The most important period for the city to talk about is the covenant Hafsid in the seventh century of migration, XIII AD known as the city of Tozeur most fertile periods, starting with the most important political event and the goal of takeover 
Ibn Abi Ammar them and on the other palm leaves and throughout the year 681 AH / 1282 AD. On the social level, it was the city's residential structure includes three elements: 
They were the remnants of the Roman Ifriqiya before the Islamic conquest, then converted to Islam to keep their property. 
Arabs and Muslims came from the Arabian Peninsula during the Islamic conquest. 
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Jews displaced from Palestine, Syria and neighboring areas on the impact of the loss of their king Goliath at the hands of Prophet David. 
And has gone scholar Ibn Alchaabat to say that the third element of the component represented by the Berber community Altozyre denying the existence of Jews and Christians. As envisioned Robart Branschwak to divide the people to Tozeur 
Two parts: Ibadhi Ibad son of the owners on the one hand and the flame relative to Abdullah, son of the donation. 
Have known people of the city and Baltqy piety and may link the son came in Tozeur Alchaabat that "the cult of the country and Zhada to the presence of water in all positions and facilitate the sustenance at all times" and had been based in addition to his experience 
To the contents of a Galen categories as "Mfirtoa intelligence and business acumen and understanding in science just like the inhabitants of the region and the third of the fields and figures like Ptolemy of Alexandria and the people of the region 
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Fifth of them Plato and Aristotle "
I knew Tozeur to these stages brighter period where residences constructed within the green orchards surrounding the city. The largest cities in the Covenant Jrayyed Tunisian Hafsid They are the base of the country Jeridah 
In the words of Tijani and is the mother of the country's regions Kstalah "large and dishonest" in the words of Abu Abbas Dalai Yacoubi and went as far as saying that "the great city of Tozeur is said to have". 
This city has four doors and fence built of stone and mud, and it was built in the early days Hafs bath and Jaamaan held their Friday prayers, one representing the most important monuments and architectural masterpiece and is a distinctive 
Great Mosque and Soumath with four domes, modeled on a mosque in Kairouan obstacle Ibn Nafi That is because of the interdependence of the two cities and cultural links dating back to the days of the mark Altozyre Abu Yahya Zakaria and Alhqrattsa 
His son Abu Muhammad Abdullah Alhqrattsa. 
Regarding the economic aspect of the city was of paramount importance, and the transfer from Ibn Alchaabat for Dalai this text: "The most important regions of Tozeur Kstalah. Markets full of them and many Eraad. Vulnerable and are impervious 
And so near to the rock from the wall, and all the fruit in orchards forbid sugar cane. Tozeur and characterize African dates come out in most of the days thousand sentences (loaded) and more than that in the realms of Vifterq 
Africa. And by Otrj outside of the limit in the bone created and fiancee and the large number of one hundred, and by Alturnajabin and surround and Phyllanthus. "
Archaeological and historical sites: 
Romania effects: 
- Area Kstylia: Roman city 
- Bridging the valley soap area Alhoadf 
- Well, a big square boxes are built of rock and is present in the space of the Great Mosque in the country of the urban 
- Some of the houses and Balhoadf AQIM her urban corners and pillars of their pieces of marble or funds Romania 
- Bust without a head and is now displayed in the museum domestic Tozeur 
- Several channels dragging Abbas Dvaffha boxes containing stone Roman 
Islamic Archaeology: 
- Medina 
- Great Mosque's north urban known historically Mosque Palace was frequented by scholars and writers from the Orient and Morocco from his teachers and especially Al Alhqrattsa Sheikh Ramadan, and Mohammed bin Mansour, as 
Alchaabat son found fame, and Ataiwgay, and Abu Muhammad Abdullah, son of Jacob, and Abderrahmane Altozyre, and the son of a goldsmith and son Mikdol. And in the sky literature mention private Abuzakaria Yahya Alhqrattsa setter 
Madhristih prophetic "Alhqrattsah poem in praise of the best land," Abu Ali and Omar bin Mansour bin Ibrahim owner of the seer "good of the country for those who Otaha Tozeur ..... I would love that Jinan Green" and also the son of 
Alcardbus author of "sufficiency in the history of the caliphs" and others ... 

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