
samedi 16 août 2014

Kerkennah Islands Tunisian = the only place in the world and who has bought and sold the plots inside the sea

If owning a piece of land is normal, the Kerkennah Islands Tunisia is the only place in the world who is entitled where people having a "piece Sea" where sold sea and purchased at auction, and even can also lease space from the sea! Of and the reason is due to the method of fishing unique, and is called "fishing Bacharfih" It is a method dating back hundreds of years and be a trap placed the fish on a stretch of several hundred meters and where you are not entitled monument "honorary" only if you're a resident of the island and to be his "piece of the sea" .. . located division of space owned Ptsfiv palm fronds around, located catching fish after they have been lured in a small room is arranged within each section ... and this way bring the best quality of fish to catch it live as it is a way to preserve the environment of fish 
Wonders and oddity

Kerkennah Islands

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