
vendredi 15 août 2014

the amazon

Today backpacker synched to South America .. to that region of the world the nature of the most primitive world ..zlk magician ..tlk bush sprawling downtown river dancing between trees towering height .. 

Hnak..hat live most of the types of objects that we know and that we do not know .. 

Sounds wonderful birds, animals crawling on the trees and on the forest floor, huge snakes, wild animals, and strange insects, rivers, waterfalls and exquisite beauty .. 
There, where the rain does not stop ..hat hear the sound of the purity of nature 

Amazon rainforest .. 

But during our trip let us know some of the unique characteristics of the region around the world 

Amazon rainforest, the largest tropical rainforest in the world. 

  Amazon forests cover more than one billion acres, and includes areas of Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and the Andean region of eastern Ecuador and Peru. 

Has described the Amazon rain forest as the "lungs of the planet" because they provide a service Osasaah in the environment in terms of the recycling process of converting carbon dioxide to oxygen, which is producing about 20% of the oxygen in the world of the Amazon forest. 

The rate of rain annually between 130 and 445 cm, and the average temperature is about 27 ° m. 
Live more than half the world's species in the rainforest in the Amazon, where an estimated 10 million species of plants, animals and insects, and there are five freshwater in the world. 

Contains more than 750 types of trees and 1,500 species of higher plants. 
They also provide fruit for most countries of the world. 

The area of ​​the Amazon basin was formed from about 200 to 500 million years ago, and for this we find this biodiversity, environmental and clear in that region. 

It also features the region's rivers to about 3,000 known species of fish, and in addition to that, scientists believe that in the woods nearly 30 million different insects. 

And Alan..ohla Welcome to the jungle 

Sntjol little in the Amazon rain forest .. to get to know its inhabitants ..lkn Vahdhiroa there are a lot of poisonous insects Alqatlh..waldvade ... that may be under your feet now ..o some small weeds that cause allergic skin .. ..! 

..bataba Our way in the first months will be met family animals in these forests interlocking branches, it is very appropriate environment ..lhala clowns Alsgar..tsama cry from the depths of the jungle do not see maybe a hyper Srathm..olkink see the branches moving and wriggling Kalerjouhh while playing here and there .. 

Of course I'm talking about monkeys ..! 

There we see some of these trees ..flantaraf on some species: 

  It is a fast-moving small monkey, found in all parts of the western Amazon region, this type moves constantly and rapidly and therefore difficult to always get a good picture for him, and feeds on fruits and insects and flowers. 

  Spider Monkey, Spider monkey 

Live in the rainforest, and feeds on fruits, seeds and leaves, a Lowell can grow up to a height of two feet, always likes to use its tail to cling to the branches and overhangs so head over heels. 

Monkey Golden Lion Golden Lion Tamarin: 
This type of monkeys eat fruits, insects, spiders, lizards, and up to 12 inches tall and weighs 2 kg. 

  Monkey sloths Sloth 
Of course, is well known, it is the object most Kassala in the world, so that the slow movement that makes him hide from his enemies and succeed in escaping. 

These are some of the other species .. 

Red Monkey 

Monkey Alosb 

Monkey Daska 

Tayra-Eira barbara 


In contrast to the various wildlife in the forest, there is also in each square of the forest floor and trees, a lot of small animals that live there, such as bugs, beetles, butterflies, spiders, scorpions, as well as there are frogs, snakes and wild birds .. 

These are some of them .. 

Insect bugs 

Insect orange spotted 

Insect Hopper 

Lizard sticks Baqrm grapes 

Type of larvae 

Red bugs 

Green Lizard 

Grasshopper Turquoise 

Male Bazlasik Male Basilisk, Honduras 

Snake Albwa 

Albwa snake in defensive mode 

We are still among the trees Alktifah..hat votes monkeys and birds that make melodies Sharih..olkn! 
Appeared another voice with the voice of this symphony Tabieih..anh frogs 
Objects moving quickly and lightness big .. 

To see some of them: 

- Lavender-colored frog with black was discovered recently in North Highlands in the Amazon region. 

Frog with centuries 

Frog glass 

Poison frog 

Well ..flanshahd some wonderful birds .. 
Perhaps the most famous Amazon forest birds are parrots ..vhnak

Macaw parrot 
The largest per capita in the parrot family, and hooked beak can be fed on nuts and seeds, can grow up to 3 feet long, like a parrot whistling 

Toucan Toucan Bird 
Characterized by long beak and beautiful colors between black and blue, red and white, and grows from 7 inches to 2 feet. 

Eagle lifts 

We walked a little to the inside that place between shrubs ..kaún coming from Baid..abdo Dkhma..lh Rpma..emca big mouth and slowly progressing toward us ..anh 

Giant anteater 

Weight up to 140 kg, and up to 8 feet in length, it is very fast in picking up ants and insects, especially termites, of course, will do Zlk..vtoul his tongue up to 2 feet! 

We went inside Aledgal..rpma more animals will be met now the largest ..flina caution ..! 
It Hnak..zlk who walk around and Hida..bthagh Zaúdh..uchty fixed Mhassobh..ouhdhir severe eye .... cool look from afar .. he .. 

  Cheetah Jaguar Jaguar 
One of the most dangerous animals in the Amazon rainforest, an excellent hunter, able to swim, climb trees, 6 feet tall and weighs about 250 kilograms. 

Fahd black Jaguar 
There are many other animals such as 

American Lion 

George Ocelot Ocelot 

Black Bear 

Goth Coatimundi 

Um Mother Agouti Agouti 

Closer we get now from River Alamazzon..hma wonderful, which covers about 40 percent of the area of ​​South America 

There are a lot of animals and names that live in this river or near it .. 

You will find the most popular fish in this region in her works .. everyone thousand Hsab..list even Kalqrh..balnsph to its small size and brutality is not like any big fish! It is .. 

  Piranha Piranha 
Of course it's more aggressive creatures in the Amazon River, the brim of deadly that can destroy the human being in a few seconds 

There are plenty of other animals that live near the river, such as the Amazon 

- Giant river Utz Giant River Otter: 
This animal of the most endangered animals in the Amazon River, and feeds on the names and some small birds and reptiles, as it grows to the length of 6 feet and weighing up to 70 kg approx. 

  Capybara Capybara 
It's the largest rodents on Earth's surface, which is also of animals at risk of extinction in the river Alomazzonmazm living be in the water, live and sleep in the water, a swimmer Maher too, feeds on grass and aquatic plants and zucchini and Batakhuysal length to 2 feet long and weighed 100 kg! 

  Manatee Amazonian Manatee 
Of the largest marine mammals that live in the Amazon River, which can be very long, up to 3 meters and weighs 450 kilograms.

  Pink dolphins in the Amazon River 
One of the most beautiful creatures of the Amazon River, and is surrounded by pink color of the object a lot of myths and legends. 

  Electric eel 
One of the types of sea snakes, but they live in the Amazon River, up to 8 feet in length and weighing up to 60 kilograms. 

  Black American Alligator Black Caiman 
Almitrsh of the largest animals in the Amazon River, which is up to 20 feet in length and weighing up to 3,000 kg. 

Alanaokand Anaconda 
Snake Alanokand is the kind of original sphincter where she wore toxic but hunt their prey by its age and the pressure on it until you can not breathe and die and then you swallow and not chewed, as they do not eat too much because the prey need a week in order to be digested, so they feed each Aspov only length up to 21 feet. 

I leave you now to enjoy these scenic areas in the jungles of the Amazon 

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